The infinite game was a concept I came across during Shopify’s onboarding, which tightly relates to their vision to become a 100 year company. This triggered me to read ‘Finite and Infinite Games’ by James P. Carse, where this idea originates from. It wasn’t an easy book to read as it continuously challenge my thoughts, it gets pretty philosophical, and personally I think there was a lack of concrete examples in some parts (which could lead to different interpretations based on reader’s experiences). That being said, to me it was what made this book special, and I came out of it with an entirely new perspective of life.
The following are core ideas from the book which resonates with me most. Some are direct excerpts, some are my own interpretations:
Basic definition
- Finite games
- are played to win. Thus, it’s played to bring the game to an end (and repeats itself).
- It presses for a specific conclusion.
- People who play the finite game train themselves to avoid surprises.
- Play within boundaries
- All participants must agree with the rules. They must be eligible to play.
- Infinite games
- are played not to win, but for its participants to continue playing and to prevent the game from ever ending.
- Allow all possibilities. No one has an outcome imposed, apart from the decision to continue playing.
- It is playful in that it’s participants continually/intentionally look out for surprises. Surprise is an element of growth.
- Play with boundaries
- Participation must be voluntary, and everyone who wants to play can play. We want to bring as many people as possible into the play. ### Education as an infinite game
- “To be prepared against surprise is to be trained. To be prepared for surprise is to be educated.”
- Personal thoughts: Exams is to me a perfect example of training against surprise, rather than for surprise. It’s a bad way to represent the infinite game of education, where the goal is to continue playing.
- Education discovers richness in the past, sees what is unfinished there, and continue the game.
- As a finite game
- We try to preserve the wins of a finite game by using titles. Society maintains titles so finite game can remain timeless. A title is a property which is agreed upon.
- You can’t force an agreement. It is agreement that establishes force. So to enforce a title, you need to persuade others to obey the rules.
- To sustain a title however, one must continue to intrude others. (e.g advertisement trying to get attention, monuments taking up city space). Maintaining title is counterproductive for everyone and unsustainable by nature.
- To impose a boundary, one must stimulate danger/enemy to itself.
- As an infinite game
- Rather than awarding the powerful, society should depend on its artists (storytellers, inventors, poets, original thinkers..)
- We should persuade people to abandon finite game competition for title, and look at art. Enjoy the craft. (Art are not made but it’s discovered when you see it. You can’t be an artist just by mastering certain skills. You become an artist when you are ready to participate in the game, and open to surprises.)
- We’re not trying to overthrow/alter society. But only eliminate its perceived necessity.
- Infinite game has no boundary, it expand one’s horizon. Try to show that nothing is necessary.
- Evil arise from the belief that history can be tidied up. It’s evil to think that past can be brought to a conclusion.
- Infinite game should offer a vision of continuity and open-endedness, rather than a heroic final scene.
History & speech
- Explanation settles issues. (finite game)
- Narratives raise issues. (infinite game). Recognize other possibilities.
- Talk to others not to deliver meaning, but to find meaning along the way. Story is not told to be heard, but to be discussed and explored.
- “We listen to the bell, we are silenced by the cannon.” Stories are supposed to resonate & not silence people.
- When we succeed to be the only speaker, there is no speaker at all. (since you have eliminated the game)
I think it was a good book to read especially during my current transition from graduating and going into the workforce. To be excited for new things that surprises me in the future, exploring the boundaries, expanding the horizon for everyone and to invite others to participate and play.
As a human, I feel like pursuit for a goal or an end is very natural. But I think the point is to contain those finite games within an infinite play. Not loose sight of the bigger play, and to enjoy the learnings with everyone around me.